Circular Letter Archery Association Europe December 2017
Dear Members,
Also in this year we would like to use the year's end days to have a review on 2017.
As previous year we start with the tournaments.
National Tournaments
AAE Indoor Championship 11th / 12th February Mühlhausen/Thüringen.
Our first AAE Indoor Open again took place in the Sporthotel at Mühlhausen and had been successful once more. With 118 participants it has been similar filled as last year. Maybe we can manage in the next years to welcome more members of the DFBV at our side. Unfortunately the coordination of the Dates is not always easy – thus in 2018 the early event of the EIAC in Budapest upsets the apple cart.
This year we could dismiss our long-term President Volker Pense who vacated the position due to familistic and work-related reasons. As new President Udo Schriefers had been elected, as new Vice President commissarial Reiner Ackerman who has to be confirmed in the position in the coming year.
The next Indoor will take place on 3rd and 4th February 2018 in the Sporthotel at Mühlhausen. There are still free places. Like last year at this point the appeal to our members to participate at erection and dismantling. Please get in touch under turnieranmeldung-AAE@web.de
AAE Field Championship 20th and 21st May 2017, Torgelow / Mark
Also this year we could organize the Field after the Bow course of Torgelow had offered itself as match organizer. In fact only 35 shooters were present but the weather was beautiful and the two courses were very nice. Such being the case
it nevertheless had been a successful event where all had fun and could refresh their knowledge for the upcoming EFAC in Hohegeiß in summer.
AAE Bowhunter Championship 10th and 11th June, Hohegeiß
Already for the fourth time our Bowhunter took place in the Harz mountains – this time in Braunlage at the Wurmberg – and I think it was really a memorable tournament. Unfortunately the stare at the ski-jump about in the middle of the
course had been annoying for the most – evil to him who evil thinks. But yet an excellent terrain and an interesting course.
The next Bowhunter will take place only after the EBHC 2018 in Oberwiesenthal because we also are involved here and the time is simply not sufficient to edge in the Bowhunter. At last the AAE is significantly involved in the course erection
for the EBHC.
International Tournaments
WIAC Romania
In March the Indoor World Championship of the IFAA in Fundata, Romania. took place For the first time also our Russian Chapter with four shooters had been at the start and this even very successful. Besides Victor, Stanislav, Boris und Elizaveta in addition Thomas Coulclough from Ireland, Philipp Sutherland from Scotland and Udo Schriefers from ermany arrived. Well, what can be said about an Indoor – it was well organized and made fun. Super atmosphere and a good job done by the Romanians.
Victorious were
Phillip Sutherland AMFSC Gold, World Champion
Victor Safroshin AMHB Gold, World Champion
Udo Schriefers AMBL Gold, World Champion
Elizaveta Evstratova JFBBR Silver, Vice Champion
We congratulate the successful shooters.
WBHC Italy
We think there had been written enough in the net about this chaos. Nevertheless the shooters made it to an Event nyhow and so yet still it became a World Championship. So we congratulate our successful shooters
Jozsef Csikos, PROFU Gold, World Champion
Leiv Adrian Dreßler YAMBU Gold, World Champion
Hannes Hecht YAMBBR Gold, World Champion
Uwe Kruse VMLB Silver, Vice Champion
EFAC Hohegeiß, Germany
The DFBV had been the match organizer of the EFAC in Hohegeiß this year. Nearly 700 shooters met there to master this Field-bow European Championship because it had been really heavy – the courses packed a Punch. A Scotsman coming from the Lowlands of his homeland said to me: “Udo! We are shooting here Field not Mountain!”. One could not better phrase that.
A big team of us had started and so the harvest was nothing to sneeze at too.
So have won
Dr. Ute von Schilling AFFS-R
Andrew Britton AMFS-C
Hannes Hecht YAMBBR
Leiv Adrian Dreßler YAMBU
Nils Noack AMFS-R
Martin O’Nions VMFS-C
Wallace Muir VMFS-C
Style Team BU: Peter Fischer, Christian Wirth, Frank Rappsilber
Here congratulations to all medalists too. It could have been more at that in the
classes B and C but if they do not pick up their medals…
Let's come to the administrative matters
The EBHC is casting its shadows long before. Currently the AAE represents the second biggest team after the DFBV. This of course is very pleasant and we hope that our jubilee shirt will find a big sale because 2018 is the year of the 50 years existence of the AAE too. Insofar another reason to secure you such Shirt as we think it will be the last event-shirt we esign for a longer period.
However we will offer a new “day-to-day life shirt” being independently of any events. Still in addition shall come a “going-out dress” but this we have to develop yet.
Score Tickets
Shooters who want to participate the EBHC and would like to have entries in their Score Tickets can secure them via the tournaments of the DFBV Bowhunter division. In case no official of the AAE is present for our members these results after registration in the related shooter's Score Ticket still can be stamped at a subsequent date too.
It is quite complicated to pass all authorization processes for the registration as
Non Profit Organization in the USA. But we almost managed it thanks to the
help of our Treasurer who nearly despaired of the transactions necessary for
the USA and thanks to Mike Henderson the lawyer of the NFAA. Thus we hope
that the whole process will be completed in 2018.
As already mentioned the Bowhunter will take place after the EBHC and the target date probably will be in July or August. The same holds true for the Field:
Here the date will be placed that way the shooters still will be able to prepare for the WFAC in South Africa. For that we also think of a date in August or beginning September. The fixed dates we will announce yet in time.
So, that's it for this year.
We wish all of you a Happy New Year, good health and success...
and be welcome in the
Family of Archers
Chemnitz / Berlin in December 2017
Board of Directors